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Slower growth and more intense competition in global ELT market Overall volumes of English language training, as measured in student numbers and student weeks, have been essentially flat...
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The relationship between currency exchange and student mobility It has been a tumultuous year for the world economy, which in many quarters is still recovering from...
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Surging demand provides new opportunities in sub-Saharan Africa A report published by UNESCO Institute for Statistics charts strong growth in mobility and demand among higher education...
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The growing role of emerging markets in shaping global demand “The rise of emerging markets has been perhaps the defining feature of the global economy this century. In...
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New research shows that mobile and social media users are intensely engaged online The research on mobile device use, and associated Internet user behaviours, continues to accumulate this year. The insights...
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New developments in the accommodations sector In a previous article, ICEF Monitor discussed student accommodations, specifically, dormitories and their influence on prospective students’ school...
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Nielsen studies highlight value of education, illustrate growing consumer confidence “With 7 billion people living in the world, new findings from a Nielsen global survey revealed that when it...
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A closer look at African student mobility The UN predicts that the world’s population is going to increase to 9.6 billion in 2050 (from 7.2...
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New data shows value of education rises during economic crisis The employment gap between young people who left high school early and those who completed post-secondary education has...
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Descriptions of education systems in 60 countries Nuffic – the Netherlands organisation for international cooperation in higher education – regularly releases country modules, which offer...
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New national statistics compare education and student mobility in over 40 countries The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has released the 2012 edition of Education at a Glance,...
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8 countries leading the way in online education Online education is quickly becoming a major phenomenon around the world, as we highlighted in a recent piece...
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