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Ireland extends post-study work eligibility for students studying remotely due to COVID Ireland has temporarily adjusted a key immigration policy affecting international students in light of COVID, in an effort...
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Ireland announces 15-country “Green List” for quarantine-free travel; ELT sector calls for support against 80% revenue shortfall The Irish government announced an initial “Green List” of 15 countries last week. Travellers to Ireland from a...
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Slower growth and more intense competition in global ELT market Overall volumes of English language training, as measured in student numbers and student weeks, have been essentially flat...
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Ireland launches new fund for international university partnerships Ireland has introduced a new €500,000 fund to support activities leading to expanded collaborations between Irish...
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Ireland announces 24-month “stay back option” for international postgraduates The Irish government has extended the period during which foreign graduates of masters and doctoral programmes may remain...
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New data reveals most searched-for study destinations The body of research underlining the importance of online channels to international student recruitment is growing. Among the...
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Shifting currencies expected to drive growth for more affordable destinations There is a fairly direct linkage between currency exchange rates and the costs of study abroad. It arises...
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Ireland implements student immigration and quality assurance reforms Over the course of 2015, the Irish government began to introduce a number of reforms in its student...
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The relationship between currency exchange and student mobility It has been a tumultuous year for the world economy, which in many quarters is still recovering from...
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New OECD report summarises global mobility trends The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released its annual report on global education trends last week....
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Ireland introduces reforms to student immigration system The Irish government has announced plans to proceed this year with major reforms to the country’s student immigration...
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Pricing education in an era of increasing competitiveness and student expectations At a time when educational options for young students are more numerous and varied than ever before, institutions...
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