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How the pandemic is shaping the expectations and decisions of international students The pandemic is fundamentally shaping the lives of young people belonging to Gen Z (born between 1995 and...
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Tracking student intent for study abroad through April Will international students follow through on their study abroad plans for this year and next? That is the...
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With 9 in 10 students affected by COVID-19 closures, how is the shift to online going so far? Most COVID-19-related statistics are distressing but some veer towards the simply astounding: “The pandemic has disrupted learning for...
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New survey data measures student intent for study abroad As the COVID-19 pandemic continues around the world, there have been a number of attempts to track student...
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Instagram’s profound effect on travel destination choice One of the biggest subject niches on Instagram is travel, and new research is showing that travel posts...
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How and when international students use school websites and social media in planning for study abroad More than three-quarters (77%) of international students responding to 2019 QS’s International Student Survey said that the most...
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Study reveals shifting motivations for language travel and changes in how students book courses A new study published by the International Association of Language Centres (IALC) shows that students are increasingly interested...
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Are you paying enough attention to Instagram? The photo and video sharing platform is reporting explosive growth over 2016 and 2017, and is now one...
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3 ways to give your recruitment marketing a boost With so many student recruitment channels in play these days, it can be a challenge to keep up...
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Summing up motivations for study abroad A majority of prospective students aged 18 or younger say that their main motivation for study abroad is...
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Mapping the trends that will shape international student mobility A new report reviews ten trends that are expected to have a significant effect on global demand for...
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Reaching millennials: Make it fast but keep it real The on-demand, highly connected world of millennials opens the door both to new challenges and new opportunities for...
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